Install and promote a website on IIS (Windows 7, 8, 10)

Step 1: Install IIS (Internet Information Services)

1.1 First go to “MyComputer”


1.2 Click on “Uninstall or change a program”

1.3 Click on “Turn Windows features on or off”

1.4 Select “Internet Information Services”


1.5 Click OK.

Step 2: Create a Website on IIS

2.1 Run IIS Manager (or Find IIS)

2.2 Stop the Default Web Site


2.3 Create a New Web Site

2.4 Give a name and the Physical path.


Step3 (optional): Permissions (only if you have permission problems: HTTP Error 500.19 and/or 401.3)

Grant read permissions at group IIS_IUSRS and to the user IUSR for the folder of the website:

  1. On Windows Explorer, search for the folder that contains your website and select it;
  2. Right button of the mouse on that folder and click Proprieties;
  3. Click on tab Security and then, click on Edit.
  4. Click on Add;
  5. In the new box, write IIS_IUSRS and click on Check names, and then click OK;
  6. Repeat the step 5 for IUSR;
  7. Then click again on OK;


Step4: Test it on your browser

On your browser type http://localhost/




Create an OS instalation from an USB pen drive

This tutorial was tested with Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium.

I’ve created a bootable installation of Windows 7 from an USB pen drive.

The steps you should follow to do that:


Step 1:

Windows Key + “R” key;



Step 2:


  • On the prompt of Disk Part type “list disk” to see the disks of your computer.
    • My USB pen drive is the disk 2.
  • Type: select disk “number of your usb disk” (CAUTION: Make sure that you know which is your USB disk drive).
  • “clean”
  • “create partition primary”
  • “format fs=fat32 quick”
  • “active”
  • “exit”

Step 3:

After configure this you can copy all the files of your Windows DVD (or other Operating System supported by this file system – fat32) to this USB drive. It is able to boot from this drive 😉